Do you teach scuba diving?
No, I am not an instructor.
Do you run a charter boat?
No, I have no connection to any commercial dive operation.
Who do you recommend to learn to dive with in Sydney?
Email me by using the contact panel and I will try to help you with advice.
Do you take people diving?
As mentioned, I am not a dive shop or charter boat. However, I will sometimes offer to take visitors to Sydney diving. There is no charge for this apart from reimbursement for any costs I may incur. These would solely be related to air fills and hire gear etc. Contact me and I will see what I can do.
Who have you taken diving in Sydney?
Since I started this web site in 1995 I have taken many people from overseas diving in Sydney. Divers from the USA (California, Minnasota, Florida, Oregon and other states), South Africa, Sweden, Spain, Ireland, Germany, England, Scotland, New Zealand, Italy and France have been among them.
What Club should I join?
Of course, as I am a Life Member of St George Scuba Club as well as the current President, I recommend them. However, depending on where you live, this may not be the best option. See the Web Links page on my site or Contact Me for advice.
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