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    I established this Web Site about scuba diving in Sydney, NSW, Australia and the South Pacific, as well as a few other places, in June 1996.

    Since then it has gone through a few different versions. This latest version is the fourth and was completed in July 2006.

    The site has grown from a few pages to well over 1,060 separate pages. More than 650 dives are covered, mostly in detail and most with photographs and some with maps.

    I am fairly confident that this is not only the largest diving related web site in the World, it also has more hits than any diving related web site in Australia.

    This site is a non-commercial site and is unrelated to any dive organisation. It is purely here to provide divers with an information source to increase their enjoyment of scuba diving, shipwrecks and marine life in general. I hope that my experiences can help you when you are planning a dive trip, whether it is locally in Sydney, New South Wales, somewhere else in Australia or the Pacific Ocean region.

    Any and all comments are welcome, as is any information to enhance the pages, especially more information about ships or shipwrecks or corrections to pages.

    I have also included some articles on non-diving related interests, especially four wheel driving and camping. There is also information about my yacht, a Lightwave 38 catamaran, that I owned from 2014 to 2019.


    This site is best viewed using a screen sized at 1024 x 768 pixels. If you use a smaller screen, some photographs may force a page that extends off the screen and cause printing problems. I cannot avoid this problem. It may also cause some photos to run over top of text. If you find any of these, please let me know as I should be able to fix.

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    I have now added a Search facility to the site. You can access this by clicking on Search on the menu at the top of the page.

    Sydney Dive Site Hints
    "Camp Cove is a good macro dive and sea horses can be sometimes found"
    My Recent Dives - January, February and March 2025

    In this log I use some acronyms to make it easier for me to remember where I went and what I saw:

    (Mostly at Bare Island unless otherwise stated - see website pages for locations) 
    SHR - Sea horse rock
    OHR - Opera House rocks
    STR - Sea tulip rocks
    SHC - Sea horse corner
    BR - Block rock (also Big Rock at Inscription Point)
    RIFR - Red indianfish reef
    IR1 -Isolated Reef 1
    IR2 -Isolated Reef 2
    15MR - 15 Metre Reef
    LR - Long rock
    AR - Anglerfish rock
    N, S, E, W, NE, NW etc - compass headings
    LBR - Little big rock at Inscription Point
    ER - Exit Rock at Inscription Point

    BIA - Bare Island Anglerfish (red fingered anglerfish)
    PPH - Pygmy pipehorse
    BBSH - Big belly sea horse
    RIF - Red indianfish
    USDP - Upsidedown pipefish


    Shithouse - less than 2 m
    Very Poor - 2 to 4 m
    Poor - 4 to 6 m
    Fair - 7 to 10 m
    Good - 10 to 15 m
    Very Good - 15 to 24 m
    Excellent - 25 to 30 m
    Very Excellent - 30 m+

    3 January 2025 - Inscription Point
    Lots of divers here, at least 50 while we were there. Ron and Donna also dived and saw them a few times underwater. Viz down on recent dives, 4-5 metres but warm 22C. Reasonably strong incoming current and a lot of surge. A few squid at the start. Three honey coloured okenias, one saw one BBSH at the two rocks but the other was apparently down low. I looked but... Two small camouflaged PPHs, a friendly crimson-banded wrasse, the other BBSH was in normal spot. Quick trip back, one sea dragon in kelp. A nice dive but surge made it not as good as it could have been. Visibility poor.

    4 January 2025 - M & K Reef
    Two boats and nine divers. Went early again because of how crowded ramp was last week. Not as busy. Pretty calm and little wind, although it picked up after I was back on the boat. Anchored on top of reef above smaller cave. Went N and around the corner and a bit more N. A very large wobbegong shark in first cave which moved to a smaller overhang. Another one around the corner and others saw one smaller one. Lots of silver sweep around the corner and yellowtail in cave. Kelly found two pipefish on the way back to the anchor. Past the anchor to the S end and back. I found a very small blue devilfish off wall under a large boulder. Could not get a photo as it kept moving. Later came out and went under another boulder. Could see the boat from 23 metres. Visibility very good.

    5 January 2025 - Henry's Sponge Garden
    Divers who missed out on yesterday's dive. Went to go N but wind was blowing 12 to 15 knots NNE. Millpond seas at Henry Head, so did sponge garden. Dirty on top, thought a lot about the tiger shark seen here by Rob Cooley yesterday while doing safety stop! Anchored in 12 m and went to sand then S. Only went to almost 20 m. Water heaps colder from yesterday, 18C compared to 22C. Viz was about 10 to 12 metres. No current. Came back past anchor shallower to look for sea dragons but saw none. Did see a small fiddler-ray on the sandy patch. Back to anchor, hung around here for a while after other group descended, then up. A few interesting nudibranchs, no spiders though. A nice dive. Visibility good.

    11 January 2025 - Henry's Sponge Garden
    Club boat dive, three boats, 13 divers. Was supposed to be M & K Reef but only one boat went there as weather not the greatest, rain threatening but none till after back at the ramp. Anchored shallower again, very dirty till 18 m then much better, over 10 m. Dark though. About 30 large kingfish, a red PPH, a small yellow boxfish, a tiny moray eel and a few nice nudis. All the usual leatherjackets. Went to almost 20 m then back and hung around the anchor looking for sea dragons, but none seen. Despite the conditions, a nice dive. Visibility good deep but very poor shallow.

    11 January 2025 - Bare Island Deep Wall
    Very high tide, went in off W point, care needed as waves coming right over the platform. Easy in the end. Very dirty, especially shallower, but warm 22C. A bit better on the wall. Went a bit more south than I meant and saw two other divers, but never saw before or after the dive, so no idea which way they were going. Could not find the BBSHs or the BIA. A small fiddler-ray and a small shovelnose ray on sand down here. Not much else till SHC when one USDP. Then back via outer rocks, no RIF but another USDP and a tiny pipefish before SHR. Lots of kelp has grown in the three weeks since I last dived BI. Nothing special seen apart from a couple of octopus. Not the greatest dive, hence only 61 minutes. Visibility poor. 

    14 January 2025 - Barrens Hut/The Split
    Club boat dive. Relatively calm seas, blue water, 20C, about 15 metre viz but overcast so hard to judge. Anchored on sand near S end of Split. A donut nembrotha as we went into Split. Out N end and N, a bit of current from S. No purple ascidians or donuts, although second group saw two more on outer rocks. Back to S into current. Under the gap and back to anchor area then to Cave. Some kingfish here, lots of bastard trumpeters outside cave and some blue morwong. Back to anchor, more trumpeters and red and blue morwong in normal spot. Back to anchor and then on top of reef to under deco weight. A very good dive. Visibility very good.

    15 January 2025 - Inscription Point
    Weather going to rubbish for next five days, so making the most of it. A little swell but easy in and out. Blue water and got cleaning closer to when tide stopped flowing in (9:11 am but high was said to be 10:08 am). Viz was 12 to 15 m out past LBR, but cooler at 19C. I found two PPH before the 2 BBSHs and Ron a white one, all on rocks within a few metres of BBSHs which were on sand side of normal rock. Ron found 2 more later on. A lionfish, some squid, the other BBSH on way back but no anglerfish or sea dragons. A few interesting nudibranchs too. A very nice dive. Visibility good.

    24 January 2025 - Inscription Point
    Huge seas and lots of rain the past week and today was the first real opportunity to safely dive any oceanside site and also actually enjoy it. A bit of swell at times, so needed to time entry and exit, no problems. Quite dirty still, perhaps 4 metres viz, little current. Only one BBSH in normal spot but the other shallower one was there on top of the rock. Finally found the grey BIA, first time I have seen it since June 2023, its the same one when I compared photos. A miamara nudibranch near here, one PPH, one Tiger Jorunna nudibranch, a nice pink okenia not on the normal sponge. A very colourful cuttlefish, a large octopus and all the usual leatherjackets. A nice dive despite the visibility and bit of swell. Visibility poor.

    25 January 2025 - Whale Watching Platform
    Club boat dive, only my boat with 5 divers. Anchored just off the wall, no wind or current but a bit of swell. Viz down from recent months to about 10 metres. Buddies took a long time to come down as one broke a fin strap. They tried to fix but in the end used a spare fin. Meanwhile I found a sea dragon, first one I have seen in the open ocean since the huge rainfall of 2022. It disappeared before the others came down and I could not find it again. Went over to the wall and then N. A large cuttlefish in the first cave, no blue devilfish seen at all. A free swimming numbray seen by both groups. Went N till the alley and then back to boat anchor. Spent time under boat looking for the sea dragon. I went up first and left the others as they were so late coming down. A reasonable dive. Visibility fair.

    26 January 2025 - The Monuments
    Club Australia Day dive and BBQ, 14 divers and a few non-divers. Went in behind Whale and then headed NW into a reasonably strong outgoing tide. Viz was about 4 m. A couple of dark BBSHs, one sea dragon, one fiddler-ray, a few small moray eels, a tiny lemon-coloued boxfish, a lot of pink okenias (or their lookalike) and a few other things. Hard slog into the current, but quicker coming back. A nice dive with a great BBQ afterwards. Visibility poor.

    28 January 2025 - Bare Island 15 Metre Reef
    Millpond seas so went in off W point. Headed W to the reef. Viz not great, perhaps 4 m here but got a bit better near the Cave. Strongish current from N, especially near SHC. A tiger jurana nudibranch but my camera would not turn on. Ten minutes later it did. Not a huge amount of life around, a couple of blue gropers who followed us. Four pipefish and two USDP near SHC. Went NW from here and then along the reef edge. Could not find the RIF Vicki said was off Cave. Two more pipefish towards SHR. A small moray eel that had been attacked or hooked, big chunk missing from behind head and tail all scratched. Looked for RIF all over, none, no PPHs either. Shallower dirtier and also lots of small yellowtail. Relaxing dive. Visibility poor.

    28 January 2025 - Bare Island Right
    This time went in before Carol's Plaque. Very hot now, perhaps 37C. Headed down via the main reef. Mandy found two very nice short-tailed ceratosoma nudibranchs on roof of Cave. Saw pipefish and USDP again. Went to the top of Cave but no spindle cowries, but heaps of cauliflower soft corals, more than before. Also two wobbegong sharks. Lots of yellowtail, some medium and some large, all the way back from around the Cave. Another nice nudi near SHR. Mandy found a RIF near here too. A few small moray eels, a large bream and whiting, nothing much else of great interest. Very nice dive. Visibility poor.
    31 January 2025 - Inscription Point
    A bit of swell so had to time entry and exit, not too bad though. Went E as normal into a strong incoming tide. Viz started at maybe 6-7 m but past LBR it got to 15 m, brilliant. Saw all three BBSHs, the grey BIA and a single PPH. Could not find the miamara but it was on a very low rock near the BIA. Apparently there is an orange one towards BR. Came back quick but then tide stopped, at least an hour before it should have, weird. Went past exit point to look for sea dragons but none seen at all. A very nice dive with lots of diver friends around. Visibility very good.

    1 February 2025 - The Leap Deep
    Club boat dive. Supposed to be Bypass Reef but very sloppy there, so concensus was to move here. Anchored on the sand and dragged NNE at least 40 metres. Hard to descend as strong incoming tide, used 25 bar! Then had to move anchor off sand to a nearby rock, hard work. This was about where you meet the sand on a shore-based The Leap dive. Viz was at least 20 metres, could clearly see the surface from 22 m. Went ESE into the current. Not a lot of fish around, other saw a PJ and a very small one too. I found three pink-kneed sea spiders, two were mating. A few pink okenia and some other nudibranchs. Went just past where the anchor originally hit the bottom, could see the drag mark all the way. Back to anchor a bit higher, then around the area where the anchor was. Went up with Reka's TG7 as it flooded. All okay. Lots of yellowtail around us as we did safety stop and heaps of bluebottles on the surface. A very enjoyable dive despite the lack of stuff. Visibility very good.

    2 February 2025 - Bare Island Right
    Decided to organise a club dive that was not on the calendar. Seven divers. Huge number of divers here, many schools, at least 6 or more. Went in before plaque, very dirty shallow. Headed down to STR where it got a bit better. Also better the deeper we went. Went down the outside route. No RIF despite looking, the short-tailed ceratosoma were not there but Ron found one at SHC and next to it, Donna found a BIA! Only saw the two USDP, no pipefish. Back via the main reef wall. A few octopus, a small moray eel, a large sole, a couple of red-lined flabellinas and lots of pink okenia. Back near SHR thousands of small yellowtail. Got passed twice by a group from a north Shore dive shop, hopeless the lot of them, like being in a dust storm! Only a reasonable dive. Visibility fair deep, but poor for most, 

    4 February 2025 - Marley Point
    What a disaster! Club dive with three boats and 13 divers. A bit more swell than forecast but good run down. Anchored just off the reef. Went down and my BCD had multiple failures. This was one I had from a friend that hardly been used and looked new. However, the two dump valves totally imploded and fell off. I then had no buoyancy on the bottom. Hard to abort dive and pull myself up. Only six minutes. Water of course was very clean and others had a great dive. Disaster! Visibility very good. 

    7 February 2025 - Inscription Point
    John is up from Melbourne for a few weeks so first dive for him since Philippines. I used a rental BCD to test if I want to buy that model. I was happy with it so after the dive I bought a new one. Easy entry and exit, no current despite it being about halfway between high and low. Saw all three BBSHs, one sea dragon in kelp, re-found the grey BIA which had mmoved about 5 metres from last Friday. Could not find the miamara or the other yellow BIA. Lots of yellowtail mid-dive and one large kingfish. Went to BR and turned there, first time this far for ages. On the way back found a fiddler-ray. A very nice dive. Visibility poor.

    8 February 2025 - Bare Island Not So Deep Wall
    Club dive, Carol Martin Memorial, 14 years since she died. At least 15 divers I think. Water much colder today, 18 or 19 for most of the dive but 22C shallow. Went off W point to wall and then to 15MW. Then across to SHC to look for the BIA anglerfish. Could not find, but it was there apparently. No USDP or pipefish seen. Then back via the normal way. At Angler Rock saw Ron who showed me the tiny orange painted anglerfish. Then Jason showed me a RIF which had a nudibranch on it. From there back slowly, went a bit too quick early. Saw some pink okenia and the similar species, a joruna, a sole and two huge flatheads. Also heaps of yellowtail all the way back from the main cave. A good dive. After we had morning tea and then to Carol's Plaque for sparkling and flower throwing. Nice day. Visibility fair.  

    Next four dives at Nelson Bay.

    10 February 2025 - The Pipeline
    Short trip to Port Stephens. Early start to get tide, water a cold 18-19C. Went in and NE to sea horse hotels. A new one with sea horses logs and horse shoes on it. Then NE and N to lots more new ones. Some are double decker and one even bigger. Despite this, no sea horses seen on them at all. Saw one pipefish before there. Then out N to cauliflower soft corals, thousands of them. Then W. A small Whites sea horse on one with a large decorator crab. Some spindle cowries, a few nice nudis including punk. John found a small ornate ghost pipefish, very cute. Later went towards pipeline and saw a turtle. Quite a few small cuttlefish, a couple of octopus, an orange/black pufferfish and more nice nudibranchs. A nice dive. Visibility fair. 

    11 February 2025 - Fly Point
    Overcast but no more rain. Went in 10 mins before high but very little current till change at 55 mins which was also slight. Viz was only 3-4 m at most. Zig-zagged along till we turned about 50 mins into the dive. Saw a few small sea spiders on sponges, some nice nudibranchs, a few blind sharks, lots of fish including a few butterflyfish. On the way back, three enormous jewfish above overhangs, loads of bream, luderick and red morwong. A few large snapper and heaps of small ones. Three large crayfish under overhang but not pineapplefish. Many species of leatherjackets all over the place. A nice relaxing dive. Visibility poor.

    12 February 2025 - Little Beach
    Went in from beach nearer to the cafe as fishers on the access ramp. Went to the wharf and then to the sea horse hotels, at least 20 or so just in front of the wharf. They go east and west. Many are new with little growth, some have ropes on them for sea horses to grab hold of. As usual, no sea horses on any of them, but lots of fish inside. Dave Harasti was here and we spoke to him for a long time after the dive. Went W and soon lost Ron and Donna. I found a small yellow Whites sea horse on a gorgonia, that was it. Found some spindle cowries and a few nudibranchs. Saw about a dozen large kingfish chasing small yellowtail. Went a bit deeper and past the barge, came upon it from the other side. Lots of fish on and around it and a large wobbegong under. Saw a moray eel as well. Back to the hotels and then wharf and up. Not the best dive I have had here. Visibility poor.

    13 February 2025 - Fly Point
    Very windy from E but water pretty well protected. Went N and then W as normal. Very slight current and viz better than yesterday, 4-5 m. Lots of the pink spiky nudibranchs, both species. I found a nembrotha after we lost Ron and Donna. Did not see them again till last 10 mins! Went a it deeper this time to 21.7 m. Saw three blind sharks, a large moray eel, lots of butterflyfish. At times some small yellowtail and bream. From deep went to S to the sandy slope. Prolific fishlife here as we turned to E. Bream, ladder-finned pomfret, yellowtail, seapike and at least have a dozen enormous jewfish. Three crayfish under ledge but Ron reckons many more. A few more nudibranchs as well. Back to the tree which is due N of exit. good dive. Visibility poor.

    15 February 2025 - Bare Island Isolated Reef 1
    Club dive day at Frenchmans cancelled due to forecast but at 7:30 am wind was not too bad. Even when we finished it was okay! Anyway, decided to dive here. Went in before Carols Plaque and down slowly to SHC and then to IR1. A few interesting nudis, including a red flabellina. Could not find the painted anglerfish from last Saturday but we did find the BIA at SHC. Very hard to find. Two USDP under here and one pipefish. Then went over to N side of IR1. Out here very cold, 16C, but viz was 7-8 m or more. Went to start of IR2 and came back and followed the sand edge and then the outside rocks. Found the RIF on Pygmy Rock. Back normal way. A fiddler-ray early in dive, lots of yellowtail in various spots, and plenty of roach shallow. A few moray eels and an octopus swimming around. Very nice but cold dive. Visibility fair. 

    16 February 2025 - Inscription Point
    Windy again and swell up heaps from yesterday, Bare Island getting smashed. Had to time entry and exit, had a bit of problem getting out but okay in the end. Much worse viz than yesterday or last week, but warmer at 20C. Very little current despite incoming tide. Found all three BBSHs, could not find the grey BIA or the orange painted anglerfish. Some nice nudibranchs, a fiddler-ray, no sea dragons, no pygmies, lots of leatherjackets, a tiny yellow boxfish and some yellowtail. A nice relaxing dive. Visibility poor, but very poor at the start. 

    18 February 2025 - Middle Ground North
    Club dive. Very windy and big swell past few days but today W 7 kts and swell dropped to 1.9 m with some 2.8 m. Very smooth run out, anchored first go. Very clean on top but below 12 m dropped away and dark. Went SE but surge meant too close to sand and it was badly stirred up. Did not go as far as normal as one buddy was "walking" on the bottom. He says he adjusted weighting! Then went back to anchor and NW for a bit. Lots of yellowtail and silver sweep around, a fair few leatherjackets. Did not see any sea whips and anemones, second group did, further SE than we went. Despite this, a nice dive. Visibility very poor. 

    22 February 2025 - Middle Ground North
    Club boat dive, three boats and 11 divers. Was supposed to be Middle Ground but half a dozen fishing boats on and around it. Turned out good as blue water all the way to the bottom, at least 10 to 12 m viz. No current or surge. Anchored a bit further SE than normal as Wayne was already anchored. Went SE for a short distance and then back to anchor and NW. Found the sea whips and tiger anemones, hundreds of them. Thousands of yellowtail, hundreds of seapike and also some silver sweep, small leatherjackets and red morwong in amongst them. The yellowtail went almost to the surface. Could see the boat for over 18 m. An excellent dive, heaps better than Tuesday. Visibility good.

    23 February 2025 - Desalination Plant Inlet
    Went out or Russ and Peta's boat, double dive. Little current but wind picked up from N before we went in. Very clear water, at least 20 m viz. First time here, anchored on the top of the eastern-most structure. There are four in a line west to east. Each one is at least 10 metres across and over 5 metres high. They are round with large openings, mostly with a jail-like bars across them. However, the third one from the east had a few of the bar sections removed as well as the top "lid". This appears to be for cleaning. We went from east to west. The first two are about 12 to 15 metres apart, the next two over 20 m and the fourth one about 12-15m. The western one is located on higher ground than the others, they sort of step up. Lots of fishlife around them, and inside the 3rd one a wobbegong. On the underside of the roof of this one thousands of jewel anemones, many colours. An excellent dive. Visibility very good.

    23 February 2025 - Pink Floyd
    For second dive we went to this new to me location. It is 300 metres from Minmi Trench and 340 metres from Henry Head normal site. Very dirty on top. Very slight incoming tide. Anchored in 17 m and went SW to the sand. Then S and SE along the sand edge at 24 metres. A very good wall, about 4 metres high, for most of the way. Lots of fish around, especially yellowtail up high. The wall has lots of small overhangs and also it is covered in sea tulips, sponges and some gorgonias. It is very beautiful. I am pretty sure we turned around at the end of Minmi Trench (30 mins), on the way back I saw what I thought was the trench. Came back on the top of the reef as running low on NDT. Back to the anchor, moved it a bit and went up. Another excellent dive. Visibility very good.

    25 February 2025 - Bare Island Isolated Reef
    Very strong SSE wind but swell small and only some low wave action, a bit of surge. HIgh tide as we entered, but easy. Viz was good as we went down, 10-12 metres, but on the way back it dropped to 4-5 m. Went down to SHC and then to IR1 and back along the outer edge of the reef. Eric found the tiny orange painted anglerfish before The Cave. Could not find the BIA at SHC and only one tiny pipefish there too. A few red-lined flabellina, some tiny. Lots of pink okenia. Huge schools of yellowtail all through the dive! One or two fiddler-rays (may have been the same one seen twice) and perhaps a large silver drummer, although it could have been a large snapper. No PPH or RIF seen. A very nice relaxing dive. Visibility fair on average.

    26 February 2025 - JD Artificial Reef North
    Anchored right next to one of the middle structures. Viz nowhere near as good as weekend, maybe 10-12 m. A reasonable current from SE made it hard to go to the other points of the compass. Two of the structures are now resting against each other, seems one has moved since we last dived here in early December 2024. Before the others came down I went N and could see the ones there, but current made it unwise to do it fully. So just stayed here. Lots of fine weed in water floating in current and also in piles to NW of these structures. Not a lot of fish, but there were some leatherjackets, a large boarfish inside the W one. There is some rope on one of the structures, white, not sure if I may have put it there as most of the rope I used was blue. A nice dive, pity visibility was not better. Visibility fair.

    27 February 2025 - Bare Island Not So Deep Wall
    Went in off W point, millpond seas. Unfortunately my (unnamed) buddy descended before me and proceeded to take off to the north thinking I had already headed off. Tried following, but gave up as not going to catch. Surfaced to wait for him but he never came up, bubbles disappeared to the N. After waiting almost 10 mins, I decided to dive alone. Went W as planned and then via 15MR, SHC etc. Lots of crimson-banded wrasse on wall, have been seeing quite a few lately on most dives. Plenty of red-lined flabbelina, some pink okenia, no RIF or PPH. At SHC, only one saw-toothed pipefish but a huge octopus where USDP normally are. No BIA anywhere, checked BR and all over the place. Heaps of yellowtail here and for most of the rest of the dive, various sizes. Some silver sweep too. Found the orange painted anglerfish, but nothing much else apart from a couple of nice nudibranchs. Good dive despite problems. Buddy did a 30 min dive and was waiting for me at exit. Apologetic. Visibility fair.  

    1 March 2025 - Bare Island Deep Wall
    Late organised shore dive for club after I cancelled out of today's boat dive due to forecast and lack of sufficient divers. Went off W point and to wall, saw an eagle ray with no tail on the way. A bit dirty here, perhaps 4-5 m and reasonable incoming current from the tide. On 15MR was closer to 10-12 m but then later back to 4-5 m. 21C whole dive. Found one BBSH, last saw it in April 2024. It was a fair way from where it used to be living. Went normal way, thousands of yellowtail over 15MR and all the way back to OHR. Still only one saw-toothed pipefish at SHC and no BIA. A few red-lined flabellinas, pink okenias and a few other good nudis. The orange painted anglerfish is still in same spot and apparently two striped anglerfish are near it. A RIF back towards STR and also told two BBSHs on STR. A nice relaxing dive. Visibility poor overall.

    2 March 2025 - Pink Floyd Drift
    Rescheduled club dive from yesterday. Flat seas and no wind, a little incoming tide. Decided to do a drift dive with Greg following us in the boat. Dropped in 220 metres to the east of Pink Floyd mark. Dirty on top but warm, cold 17C but clean and dark, 12-15 m, on bottom. Dropped into 15 metres and swam S to a gully and followed to SW to wall. Then along the wall to north-west. Such a nice dive site. Nothing really special seen apart from lots of stars, they are everywhere here. Ended the dive at the PF GPS mark, went up into the shallows at 16 m and then shot SMB. Went back and dropped second group who ended up in the same spot. Very nice dive. Visibility good. 

    5 March 2025 - Parsley Bay
    Big seas and strong winds, going to be like that for a week. Have not dived here since August 2011. Went in off the wharf, cannot get back on it as the bottom ramp has fallen off. Went down the right side of the bottom, viz got worse till it was only 2 m. No life at all, even on the three moorings we saw. Then E to shallows and then N again. A bit more life, a large moray eel in a large pipe, had a fish hook and line, could not get it to shorten line. Went to the crane, then turned around and back to wharf shallow. Again, little sealife. Even under the wharf not much. Saw four golf balls and hundreds of old bottles. No sea horses under wharf. Then to net, right across, no sea horses. Went over the top of the net to the old one inside, back along it, no sea horses. A few whiting, small fish along here, but that is it. I doubt I will ever dive here again! Shit dive. Visibility very poor deep, but poor shallow.

    7 March 2025 - Bare Island Right
    Cyclone off Brisbane sending large swells to Sydney and also very strong SE winds, although while we were in the wind dropped to nothing! Was very easy entry and exit. Viz was 3-4 m except at SHC where it was 2 m. Water was 22C. Ended up a nice dive, saw the yellow painted anglerfish but no striped anglerfish. No BIA or pipefish at SHC. Found a large red pygmy pipehorse on reef near SHC. Came back via outer reefs. No RIF seen, but on the way back I found a big belly sea horse on Sea Tulip Rocks, could not find the second one that I was told about last Saturday. Also saw a sole, a small wobbegong on BR, a large flathead and also lots of yellowtail like all recent dives. A nice dive. Visibility poor.

    8 March 2025 - Bare Island Right
    Forecast was no good for boat diving and club dive at Kurnell cancelled due to NE swell from Cyclone Alfred. Decided to run this dive, only two members interested. Did similar dive to yesterday. Viz was worse, about 2-3 m. Could not find the sea horse from yesterday, but Vicki did when she dived a bit earlier than us (also found the other one). The orange painted anglerfish still there and the red PPH near SHC. Lots of yellowtail in deeper areas. Ran into lots of divers underwater, about the only place to dive this weekend. Back via outer reef. No RIF or pipefish, some large whiting in shallows, the wobbie is still on BR. A nice dive. Visibility very poor.  

    12 March 2025 - Bare Island Isolated Reef
    Millpond seas and sun out, no wind, amazing, first good day for over a week since Cyclone Alfred first appeared. Went in off W point, headed NW to SHC. Found the BIA, back where it was a few weeks ago. One sawtooth pipefish under, the red PPH is still there. Then went to IR1 on N side. Viz was good out here, but cold 17C. Went around IR2 and back. Lots of yellowtail out there. Back to main reef and along past the Cave. More yellowtail here. The painted anglerfish was out on the sand. Back into warmer but dirtier water, but still okay. Found the other BBSH at STR, both were there yesterday apparently, but we could not find the one I saw last week. A few wobbegongs, moray eels, squid, lots of black reef leatherjackets in spots and all the usual things. A very good dive. Visibility good deep, but poor shallow. 

    13 March 2025 - Bare Island Right
    Flat seas but a bit of swell over W point so entered before Carol's Plaque. Much dirtier, especially shallow and at SHC, only 2-3 m. Rest was 3-4 m. Also warmer at 19C. Headed down close to main reef, found both BBSHs on STR. On the smaller rock to SW. When I came back, both were on the same sea tulip, but my camera decided to not work both times. The painted anglerfish was back under the sea tulip. The BIA was in same spot as yesterday. Two wobbegongs, a fiddler-ray and heaps of yellowtail near the cave. At SHC two sawtooth pipefish, one USDP near first cave. Also a RIF on the rock near OHR. Heaps of large octopus, weird as saw only one yesterday. Despite the viz, was still a very nice dive. Visibility mostly poor.

    15 March 2025 - Inscription Point
    Cancelled club boat dive as blowing 27 kts at Port Botany at 2 am and 17 kts at 5:45 am. Guess what, no wind when we went to Kurnell! Lots of divers here. Easy entry and exit, very cold on bottom, 16C, but 7-8 metres. Tide should not have changed while we were in but it did at 25 mins, so about 50 mins early. Much warmer on way back, 2 or 3 degrees. Saw only one BBSH on the way out, one on the way back. Also three sea dragons, one white PPH and an orange BIA on the second PPH rock on the way back. All the usual fish, a few nudies. Used my TG5 as sent TG7 for warranty repair yesterday. Very nice dive. Visibility fair overall. 

    19 March 2025 - Inscription Point
    A pretty flat sea after huge seas on Monday. However, viz dropped to 3-4 m at the most and a lot of surge. However, water back up to 21C. Did normal dive, only one BBSH on the first rocks, the other one missing for a week, both were attacked by a cuttlefish a few weeks ago and rescued by ATJ. Went not as far as Saturday, then back shallow. One sea dragon on the shallow sand. Saw the other BBSH but the BIA we saw on Saturday was not there, informed has moved about 5 metres towards exit. Not a great dive. Visibility poor.

    20 March 2025 - La Perouse Wharf
    First dive on the new wharf which opened just under three weeks ago. I think we are the second group to dive (Rox, Jason and Kim did on 3/3). Walked to the end and dropped off, Very dirty, 1-2 m at the most. Went from end of wharf to corner and then as far as 2.8 m depth near shore. Then back. Some pylons have heaps of growth and some none. Four knives, fishing rods, two chairs, two nets and a rental bike. A lot of small yellowtail near the end of the wharf, one moray eel, one octopus and one large leatherjacket. Then went across SW to reef and out a little where we used to dive over 10 years ago, over 5 m deep here. Then back and last few minutes under wharf. Had to take off fins and climb ladder to get out as low tide. Not a dive I will do again for a while. Visibility very poor. 

    26 March 2025 - Clifton Gardens
    Took Eric and Tanya from Kona, Hawaii diving, friends of Bob P. Did the usual route, through pool and out a hole. There are probably half a dozen human (that is shark) sized holes in the net. Did not see any sea horses along the net. Outside found two black striped anglerfish at the corner of the main wharf. Then saw four Whites sea horses on weed or pylons. Lots of large octopus, dozens of small cuttlefish, three wide-bodied pipefish and heaps of fish under the wharf. Bream, small snapper, fan-bellied leatherjackets, yellowtail, seapike and trevally seen. At least two dozen flutemouths here too and more near net. Then back to the anglerfish, across to the bessa block reef, Easter Island head and then to the sea horse hotels. No sea horses of course. Back to inside the pool and towards the corner. Two more sea horses and a nice nudibranch. Then back and out. A very good dive for once. Visibility fair.

    27 March 2025 - Inscription Point
    My 2,000th shore dive. Outgoing tide which was pretty strong, viz 3-4 m but cooler 19C. Flat seas but a fair bit of surge at times. Saw the one BBSH still near sand and also later two pipefish, one a green robust ghost and the other a red delicate ghost. Also the grey BIA which is near the BBSH. Later a few nice nudibranchs. Also three PPH, one a small white one on outside of LBR. Did not go as far as normal due to current, came back, could not find the orange BIA but the others did as near BR. Came back and went W for a bit, two sea dragons found. A very nice dive. Visibility poor.

    Click here to see details of dives including profiles.

    For more details about these dives and other dives this year, click here.
    Michael on 03 January 2025 14:00 · Print
    My Recent Dives - October, November, December 2024
    In this log I use some acronyms to make it easier for me to remember where I went and what I saw:

    LOCATIONS (Mostly at Bare Island unless otherwise stated - see website pages for locations) 
    SHR - Sea horse rock
    OHR - Opera House rocks
    STR - Sea tulip rocks
    SHC - Sea horse corner
    BR - Block rock (also Big Rock at Inscription Point)
    RIFR - Red indianfish reef
    IR1 -Isolated Reef 1
    IR2 -Isolated Reef 2
    15MR - 15 Metre Reef
    LR - Long rock
    AR - Anglerfish rock
    N, S, E, W, NE, NW etc - compass headings
    LBR - Little big rock at Inscription Point
    ER - Exit Rock at Inscription Point

    BIA - Bare Island Anglerfish (red fingered anglerfish)
    PPH - Pygmy pipehorse
    BBSH - Big belly sea horse
    RIF - Red indianfish
    USDP - Upsidedown pipefish

    1 October 2024 - Clifton Gardens
    Decided to go to the dark side and cross the harbour to dive. Forgot my camera! Dived solo and went through the net, well I lifted it up (only one hole now, came back that way). Went along net and then to end of the wharf. Then W to the huge chain and followed that SE and then took the off shoots, now there is a rope for one section as chain is under sand at first. This goes to the yacht which has now totally fallen apart and collapsed. Then to the main anchor and buoy. Then took the N chain from here and at end over to the wharf on Chowder Bay side. Then across to wharf, easter island statue and bessa blocks, then to sea horse hotels and back into net. Only one white's sea horse, one or two large bullrays, some nice nudibranchs, a few small cuttlefish. All the usual luderick, leatherjackets etc. not the best dive. Visibility poor. 

    3 October 2024 - Middle Ground
    A bit sloppy and some SE swell so decided to dive deeper. Humpback whales on the way out, only 20 metres from use, stayed on the surface for a while and one tail showing. Heard them all through the dive. Anchored off NE corner on the boulders. Viz 10+ metres. Went around the whole reef, large school of yellowtail followed us for half, then some seapike. A large wobbegong shark off N side and a PJ on S. Plenty of leatherjackets and some mado. No donuts or blue devilfish. Forgot to take lift bag so did not go back to anchor, just to top of reef near where the rope was. Some tiger anemones here on sea whips. Then up. A very nice and relaxing dive. Visibility good.

    4 October 2024 - Bare Island Right
    A little swell meant W point was not a viable option. Water cooler at 17C and a bit of surge down to 13 metres. Viz was 8 or so m. Went down normal way to start of IR1 and then to SHC and back. No PPH, RIF or sea dragons. A lot of the normal nudibranchs and two upsidedown pipefish. A few PJs, a large flathead and a pair of friendly black reef leatherjackets. A nice relaxing dive but that is it. Visibility good.

    5 October 2024 - Henry's Sponge Garden
    Club boat dive, three boats and 11 divers. Large swell running 2.0 to 4.0 m offshore and 8 to 13 sec period. Bommie was 1.2 to 2.2 m and breaking occasionally. Despite this, it was not too bad underwater, mostly surge was minor with some bigger pushes every few minutes. Sand was stirred up so viz only 4-5 m. Cold though, about 16.4C but 17.5 on safety stop. Went S till 15 min mark and then back to N and past anchor. Lots of sand there with boulders. Not many fish around, others saw a small RIF and a sea dragon. A few nudibranchs. Back to anchor and spent the rest of the time under the boat. Not the greatest dive but better than I thought it would be. Visibility poor.

    6 October 2024 - Bypass Reef
    Much better seas than yesterday. Checked out if there was a current here before anchoring, did not seem to be but sure enough, there was. Decided to not take camera. Went down as planned but my buddy did not follow our instructions and missed the line. He tried to get down and to deco line but did not, ended up on the extended mermaid line. I got to bottom, moved anchor and waited but he did not arrive. The visibility was well over 10 metres and not that much current on the bottom and warmer at 18C. Lots of fishlife. Then came down, but I was almost back up by then. So I only did a 17 minute dive. Not a great dive. Visibility very good.

    Next dives are all at Dauin in the Philippines.

    13 October 2024 - San Miguel
    Site is SW from Liquid, less than five minutes. Millpond seas, no wind and 29C temperature. Started at mooring and went SE and then SW. Sandy bottom, a few bits of coral with growth. Quite a few Shaun the Sheep and other nudibranchs. A flamboyant cuttlefish, two small soles, a few anemones with clownfish, porcelain crabs and glass shrimp. After 30 mins headed NE back to mooring. A few more nudibranchs and in the shallows a large wide-bodied pipefish. A nice relaxing first dive of the trip. Visibility very good.

    13 October 2024 - Black Diamond
    Located off half finished dive resort called Black Diamond. Similar dive to first one, but coral reef to NE of mooring. A little bit dirtier, perhaps 12 metres. Went SW first and then back past mooring to reef and around that. More nudibranchs, an eel, some lionfish, two juvenile snapper, three cowries, and more. Anemones and clownfish too. There were five fish traps around the coral. Ended up back in shallows. Easy dive. Visibility good. 

    14 October 2024 - Bulak
    Only a short distance from resort. We didn't moor, live drop and picked up near where we started. Sandy bottom and some rocky reefs, only a metre or so high. Some small overhangs and coral growth. Went S along them for 50 metres and then deeper and N again. Another pipefish, different species, quite a few nudibranchs, anemones and clownfish with porcelain crabs, Plenty of ropes on the bottom and a couple of mooring blocks. Back up in shallows there was warm water coming out of the sand. Good dive. Visibility very good.

    14 October 2024 - Sahara 
    Further south than other dive sites so far. Tied to back of another boat and then did drift dive to north. Sandy bottom again but lots of ropes and moorings from the marine reserve boundary. Then into the artificial reef area. At first cartons of bottles and then a small boat full of cartons of bottles. Further on concrete structures of many types. Then a large barn structure made of steel. A tiny black anglerfish, a few lionfish, batfish, a larger yellow with black spots boxfish, anemones and clownfish. Also a featherstar with shrimp, nudibranchs and more. A very good dive site. Visibility very good.  

    15 October 2024 - Bonnet Corner
    Furtherest S we have been so far. Sand ridges to SE and small pebbles in between. Zig-zagged around. Lots of very large garden eels, biggest I have seen I think. Three flamboyant cuttlefish and a small lemon one. Quite a few ocotpus, including a couple of small wonderpus. A snake eel, another eel, no nudibranchs, featherstar shrimp and squat lobster, a couple of anemones and clownfish, a strange crab trying to open a shell, some interesting other small fish. Ended up in shallows as normal. Very good dive. Visibility very good.

    15 October 2024 - Talisay
    Started on a mooring and went N, sand and then some coral outcrops on the slop. A larger bommie and some smaller ones. Some mooring blocks too and a large barrel sponge. I found a giant anglerfish on the bommie and then we saw a brilliant tiger pipefish. A few nudibranchs, some more eels, more featherstar shrimp and squat lobsters, Another nice dive. Visibility very good.

    16 October 2024 - Masaplod North
    Located south 12 minutes. Two sandy ridges running east, went down gully then S to first one. Some rocks and coral here, a few barrel sponges, gorgonias and sponges. Not much life. A couple of fish traps off the reef. A few anemones with clownfish, porcelain crabs and shrimp. A small eel and a few other things. Then went N to the other ridge which also had rocks and coral and many more barrel sponges. Here a few nudibranchs, including green striped one with red extremeties. Huge garden eels all over again. Only an average dive. Visibility very good.

    16 October 2024 - Ginamaan
    About 200 metres north of last dive site. Main feature is a tyre reef about 20 by 25 metres in size, small truck tyres split at bottom and standing in threes or fours making caves. Went via sand first, then to here. A black anglerfish, impossible to photo as usual, a tiger pipefish but not as bright as the one from two days ago. Then a brilliant green giant anglerfish which yawned. Lots of fishlife. Then back to boat, saw a few nudibranchs and a pufferfish being cleaned by a glass shrimp next to an anemone. Very good dive. Visibility good.

    17 October 2024 - Cars
    Located about 10 minutes south, just before yesterday's sites. Did two dives here, both different. Went E along the mooring rope line, 5 mins to get to the drop off, sandy slope down to more rope, some mooring blocks and a bunch of conrete pipes and "thimbles". Lots of life around them. Then N to the bottom of the steep slope and more mooring blocks and ropes. Went further along the rope to 27 m. Saaw a black anglerfish here and two tiger pipefish. Some interesting nudibranchs. We also saw a soft coral (candy) crab, the first I have seen in over 7 years. Went up the slope and then across to SW. Hot water coming out of sand again. Lots of huge garden eels shallow. Came back across to the main rope and back to boat, two juvenile batfish on the mooring line. Good dive. Visibility very good. 

    17 October 2024 - Cars
    Second dive went S to reef edge and followed it E to the steep wall and then S. Lots of nice corals, some sea whips, sponges, a large bommie and more. A few moray eels, one large, a huge octopus under coral, two turtles, both quite friendly and a few nice nudibranchs. Saw another black anglerfish too. Back across reef at about 9 to 14 m and then followed sand and mooring rope to boat. Another good dive. Visibility a milky very good.

    18 October 2024 - Bonnet Corner
    Second dive here but this time started on N side and drifted S in a very slight current. The bottom here is a gentle slope, sand with small rocks and pebbbles. Plenty of other divers, must have mostly been from shore as only one other boat. Saw wunderpus, blue-ringed octopus and algae octopus. Also saw about six snake eels, a weird crocodile eel and plenty of garden eels. These I got very close to and got some reasonable photos. A few different cuttlefish, one only 10 mm long. Also saw a free swimming lionfish and a few other small ones. At the end I found a shrimp on a sea pen, been looking every dive. A good dive again. Visibillity very good.

    18 October 2024 - JJs Dive Site
    This site is north of Ginamaan and apparently a new one. We tied to back of a large banca and went NE across the sand to a slope and then a reef. The first section had a few barrel sponges, a couple of small bommies and heaps of coral "plates", thousands of them. Then a sand section and then another reef section but no plates, just lots of weed. Some fish traps off and on the reef, we moved one from top of a bommie and I then cut it open as a pufferfish caught inside. I found two more tiger pipefish, there were a few nudibranchs and a highlight was a pufferfish being cleaned by about six glass shrimp. A few moray eels, three turtles, two of which had a fight over ownership of a bommie. The new one won! Around here we headed back SW and eventually in the shallows back to where we started. A good dive too. Visibility milky but very good.   

    19 October 2024 - Atlantis Home Reef
    Moored N end of the marine enclosure north of Alantis Resort. Went SE to nice coral reef, then S. Did not go real deep, mostly above 18 m. Camera would not work, turned out the zoom button on camera broke. I think I have jerry-rigged it for rest of the trip, but no zooming at all. Nice fishlife but not a lot of special things, I found a medium sized pipefish, a couple of ordinary nudibranchs. Went 30 mins S and then came back at 10 to 12 m. A few butterflyfish, pufferfish, some anemones and clownfish and of course garden eels. Near the turnaround a lot of yellow fish. A nice relaxing if somewhat average dive. Visibility very good.

    19 October 2024 - Sahara
    Did this site again as we had some new divers with us, first lot really since we got here. Went in at the S end again and did a one-way drift to the N. However, the last 20 mins was into a current which was not there before. Not too hard but solid. Went the same rough way as on 14th, but a bit deeper. Found another sunken boat, this time a small yacht. Lots of Sergeant Majors in it as well as other fish. Again, nothing real special except near the smaller "barn", there were four of the nudibranchs with red extremities. A few batfish, short-finned bannerfish and butterflyfish near the artificial reef. Lots of other tropical species too. A good dive anyway. Visibility very good except some small sections where about 10 m.

    20 October 2024 - Talisay
    Glassy seas and no wind and much bluer water, viz was about 30 metres compared to 20 previously. Went NE and N to to mooring blocks and then to the coral reef bits. We dived here last Tuesday too and I again found the grey/green giant anglerfish I found then, still in the exact same spot. Then up the slop a little and a tiger pipefish in same spot at bottom of sea whip which had shrimp and gobies. I did not see that pipefish but I found another one under a small bommie. We also saw two small turtles here and guide saw a larger one later. Then we headed back to SW to mooring. Saw Shaun the Sheep nudibranchs, garden eels and razorfish. A few more nudis in shallows. A good dive. Visibility excellent.

    20 October 2024 - San Miguel
    Glassy seas and no wind but windy after the dive. Dived here first dive of the trip. Went in to NE and N to the mooring blocks holding the big banca with divers above. Went to the small bit of coral bits, a few anemones and clownfish. Then S to the small artificial reef, mostly concrete cones but two large TV antennas and the real reef next to it. Not a huge amount of interesting stuff, a few nudibranchs, some shrimp but I had problems focusing on the small stuff not on the ground. Lots of other divers seen near the reef. Some small garden eels and razorfish. Back to boat and John found a wide-bodied pipefish, perhaps the one seen last Sunday. A fair dive but nothing special. Visibility excellent.

    21 October 2024 - Apo Island, The Chapel
    Went over to Apo Island on a large banca, there were eight divers and four staff. Wind picked up as we went and it was a relatively rough trip. The west side of the island was getting smashed by the SW wind, but we dived there anyway. Once in the water went W to a sandy slope. Saw a large black giant anglerfish here. Then S to the wall. This was pretty impressive, from 10 to 40 m I would say. However, not a great deal of growth or life on it. A nice cave, a few overhangs and an electric clam. After 35 mins we came up shallower and last 15 mins we came back across the top of the reef. Two turtles seen in this section. Not too bad getting onto the banca despite its bucking. An average dive. Visibility very good. 

    21 October 2024 - Apo Island, Cogon
    After first dive we moved around to the NE side of the island, totally protected here and heaps of boats moored. We tied to one and then did a drift dive to the S. The bottom was a gently sloping coral reef, very impressive. So colourful, so many different corals and fish. We saw a large school of jacks and other species like Moorish idol, short-finned bannerfish, butterflyfish and more. An excellent dive site. Visibility excellent.

    21 October 2024 - Apo Island, Kan-Uran
    Located SE corner of Apo Island. Wind was from SW so a bit rougher here. Dropped in at mooring and S to wall and then SW. Really good wall, went to at least 30 or 35 metres, but we only went to 21 m. Into slight current. Very colourful, with lots of sponges, sea whios, small gorgonias and coral. Plenty of fish, all the usual tropical species. Turn around at 32 mins when we found a gorgeous colourful anglerfish. Back along the top part of the wall and then on the top itself. A great dive. Visibility very good. 

    22 October 2024 - Sahara
    Typhoon Kristine is E of Manila and causing rain and strong winds. Boat diving cancelled, shore dives only. Went via jeepney to shore near the site. A concrete wall and some flat areas. Entry and exit easy, only small waves and mostly sand bottom. Had to swim out a bit before descending. Arrived at the N end of artificial reef. The yacht is here. Went along the rope which is a bit deeper and re-found the small yellow seahorse. Also saw a turtle on the reef, a few different species of eel and one red-tipped nudibranch. Lots of yellow fish, some bannerfish and butterflyfish, batfish, large and semi-juvenile and a pipefish. Went S a fair bit and then back throough middle of the reef. Then N for safety stop and W to exit. A nice easy dive. Visibility very good. 

    22 October 2024 - Sahara
    Had to do second dive here, wind too strong at places further S. Many dive shops here. This time did not go to the rope, just followed the E end of reef to S end, then back from there. Similar things to last dive as well as a large grouper. Back at the coral bommie near the smaller "barn", found four red-tipped nudibranchs that we there Saturday. Viz was down a fair bit from first dive, perhaps 12 m. A nice dive though. Visibility good.

    Lost last three days of diving due to typhoon, now back home in Sydney. 

    30 October 2024 - Middle Ground
    First dive with new Seatec Drysuit. All went well, but need a little more weight as no air in suit at all at 6 m. Big swell from SE but smooth. Warm 19C down to 25m then 17C. A little surge and some current from N all the way to bottom. Anchored on NE corner, moved anchor to first rock off. Went around, a small school of yellowtail on NW corner. No wobbies or donuts, but a few leatherjackets, even on anchor line on the way up. Nice dive. Visibility good.

    31 October 2024 - Shiprock
    A weekday but heaps of divers here, almost all of whom we know. Went in from behind the rock as now easier. Started off with two buddies but lost them after about 10 minutes and did not see again till about 55 minutes. Not much really, only a couple of nudibranchs, a large sole, one moray eel, some bubble shells, one was been attacked by a leatherjacket. A large bullray between second last and last outer bommie. Plaque was quite clean, but mostlyy unreadable. Went to last inner bommie and then back. Only one pineapplefish, but apparently another hiding under Bubble Cave and one more at bottom of start. Lots of leatherjackets, a few yellowtail, a few convict (eddie) gobies and apparently a few pipefish on exit slope. A nice easy dive, but unexciting. Visibility fair.

    2 November 2024 - The Leap Deep
    Club boat dive, was supposed to be at Bypass Reef but too rough to go outside the bay. Even here it was a bit uncomfortable. Anchored on top of the reef and went W on very slight incoming tide. Only did a short dive as I miscalculated expected bottom time and had to get back before second group descended. Was much warmer than recent, 20C and at least 15 m viz. Went right along the wall to the rockfall and then back again. Went a little E before returning to anchor and ascending. Other group did a drift. Saw a horned shark, quite a few nudibranchs, some yellowtail and more. A very nice dive. Visibility very good. 

    23 November 2024 - Barrens Hut/The Split
    Club boat dive. First dive for three weeks as did a 4WD trip to Victoria. A bit sloppy as NE and SE swells. After the NE blew up so rough trip back. Anchored in normal spot. I went in last group. Kelly had put lift bag on incorrectly so I had to fix. A large bullray here. Wayne's boat saw a small grey nurse shark! Then up Split and back outside. Nothing changed from last dive here. A bit surgy. Went down to the Cave and back via crack. Lots of red morwong and a few bastard trumpeters in normal spot. Had to move anchor from where it was as it would never have come out. Used a lot of air, then the lift bag lifted the anchor free, tried to put back but no luck. Moved to another spot and thought it was okay, dumped air, but it lifted again. Ended up leaving it free as my air was down by then. A nice dive except for problems at the end. Visibility fair. 

    24 November 2024 - Henry Head
    Second dive with new TG-7 camera, much better shots today as I changed a few settings. Went to go outside but NE wind was up already. Calm here, very slight surge. Was low tide and dirty on top, but 10-12 metres on the bottom (cold 17C though). Went S for 20 mins, then back past anchor and back again. Lots of yellowtail, quite a few black reef leatherjackets and a blind shark. Only saw one sea spider, but first group saw a few. A very nice dive. Visibility good.

    26 November 2024 - Bare Island Isolated Reef 1
    Went in from W point and headed NW or WNW to 15MR and then to IR1. Very dirty in shallows but opened up to perhaps 7 metres deeper, low tide with a little surge and cold 16C. Saw a blue nudibranch before reaching sand but my camera was fogged up due to humidity. After then it worked okay. A few different nudis on the first part of the dive, including a tiny flatworm and fine-lined tambja. Not so much on IR1 or way back. Found a smaller RIF to SW of OHR and Ron saw another one near STR. I had to head back earlier as I am still using more air that I should with the new drysuit. Nice dive. Visibility fair deep but poor shallow.

    27 November 2024 - Middle Ground North
    Club boat dive. A bit larger swell than was originally forecast, two metres at times, so needed to go deeper. Have not dived here for a while. Anchored on the NE side. Went SE till 10 mins and then back. Dirty on top but clean on the bottom, perhaps 8-10 metres and very cold, 15C!Lots of fish, silver sweep, yellowtail and small leatherjackets. Hundreds of sea whips with tiger anemones. Tim saw a wobbegong, second group a blue devilfish and I saw a spiny gurnard. Second group saw three. After the dive we had two small dolphins swimming around the boat for 10 mins. They even went under when the second group were doing their safety stop. A great dive. Visibility good.

    7 December 2024 - Henrys Sponge Gardens
    Club boat dive, was supposed to be M&K Reef but windfrom NE too much and also sloppy. Anchored further north than normal as we wanted to find sea dragons that URG saw two weeks ago. Very dirty on top after last weekends very heavy rain. Below it was quite good, but very cold at 16C. Went SE first to 18 m and then back and N past anchor. Past the sandy bit and then turned around at 38 minutes and back at 12 metres. Found a sea dragon with eggs and Joel found another smaller female. Saw two pairs of small cuttlefish, a tiny moray eel in a sponge, just sticking its head out. Others saw a shovel-nosed ray and a large octopus. Lots of nudibranchs, including many pink okenias. A very nice relaxing dive. Visibility fair. 

    11 December 2024 - Inscription Point
    Flat seas and about 6-8 m viz and warmer at 17C. Drifted fairly quick with the outgoing tide. One smallish female sea dragon on the sand. No PPH. A large school of yellowtail and then a couple of dozen small squid. After this a school of small trevally. The rock with the two big belly sea horses has lost its kelp, one is very pregnant. Lots of nudibranchs, including many pink okenias. Also found a fat tritonia nudi on LBR. Could not find the grey or orange BIA. Came back normal way, found the third BBSH. A very nice dive. Visibility fair.

    12 December 2024 - JD Artificial Reef N
    Club boat dive, two boats, eight divers. had not been here since February 2020. Best seas for ages, bluish water, slight current from S and very light S wind. I anchored to east of the centre set of structures. Shelley was next to the northern set. Viz was over 15 metres. Dug anchor into the sand. We then went around the four structures here, lots of growth on them, including jewel anemones. Lots of small fish, trevally, some yellowtail, a few small leatherjackets, plenty of small rays on the sand and I saw one small flathead. Then went north to the northern set, found Shelley's anchor and dug it into the sand. Went around them and back to centre. Rob then went up as he was on air. I went to the eastern set, one appears to have fallen over. Back and then out towards southern set, could see them but came back as low on bottom time. All my ropes from 2020 are gone. Could see the boat from 23 m on the way up. Very good dive. Visibility very good.

    13 December 2024 - Inscription Point
    Totally different to two days ago, bigger waves breaking despite southerly swell and very surgy. Water dirtier, 4-5 m viz but warmer on sand at 19C. It was a little cooler at 18C up higher on way back. The pregnant BBSH has given birth, saw all three BBSHs. Not as many nudibranchs seen. Also searched for the grey BIA but it definitely was not on the rock that Daniel said it was on Wednesday afternoon. No sea dragons but again a dozen or so small squid. Not a great dive, so am going to pull out of tomorrow's club dive here and do Marine Rescue replacement shift. Visibility poor.

    15 December 2024 - Bare Island Deep Wall
    Swell was supposed to be more NE or E but was still from SE. Lots of water over the rock platform and also very high tide. Went in before Carol's Plaque and swam to near motorbike before descending. Went via Shortcut, water much warmer again at 20C shallow and 19C deeper. After a lot of searching, Garry R found the small yellow BIA. Its on the long rock where I usually hit the wall. The BBSH was not seen on the rocks but the one on the wall was. Back normal way, an USDPF a bit further along, had eggs. Quite a few interesting nudis, including small punks on Deep Concrete Block, a few different red-lined flabellina etc. A RIF before OHR and two more USDPF in normal spot before SHR. A few lionfish, a large octopus but still no PPH. A very nice dive. Visibility fair.

    17 December 2024 - Shiprock
    Warm 22C water and visibility over 10 metres. Current was strange, we had to go against if for ages, I think it was wrapping around from south. My camera would not turn on till 40 minute mark! Only one nudibranch, one pineapplefish, lots of seapike and yellowtail and plenty of blue-lined leatherjackets. One wobbegong on big bommie, a few numrays and moray eels. Rescued a decorator crab that was caught in fishing line, cut it free. Nice relaxing dive. Visibility good.

    20 December 2024 - Inscription Point
    A little bit of swell still after two bad days, but not too bad getting in, a little harder out. Outgoing tide, moved fairly quick. Viz about 6-7 metres sand warm 21C. Two sea dragons early in dive, the BBSH that was not pregnant last Sunday (when it was Friday) seems pregnant again, saw the other two as well. A few interesting nudibranchs, a large octopus, a PJ,at least six pink-kneed sea spiders, two appeared to be mating and there were eggs too. No BIA or PPH. A nice relaxing dive. Visibility fair.  

    21 December 2024 - M & K Reef
    A much bigger swell with longer period than forecast, 1.8 to 2.8 metres and 8 to 11 seconds period, Bare Island Bommie breaking nearly all the time and surgy at times. Easy run up though. Anchored about 10 m off main cave. Went N and around the back, then back and all the way S. Back again. Lots of yellowtail and one-spot pullers in caves, one-spot pullers everywhere, getting ready to mate at S end. Two medium cuttlefish S, no blue devilfish, a six-spined leatherjacket. Went to deeper wall at the end but could not go to bottom as could not equalise. Then up. Nice dive. Visibility fair.  

    22 December 2024 - Whale Watching Platform
    Everything different today, wind from S, less swell but sloppier, overcast not sunny and 25 metre viz in blue water. Anchored off main cave. Could see bottom as soon as I got in and could see boat from bottom. Went to wall and S. Kelly found a tiny red PPH and then two USDP on rock off wall. Saw Wayne's people underwater. Then turned and went N. Around the corner in other cave, two blue devilfish, one a juvenile. Went further N and then back to anchor. Kelly found another tiny USDP on the wall. Some interesting nudibranchs again. Then up to top of the wall under boat. A great dive. Visibility very good.

    26 December 2024 - Bare Island Right
    Early dive before the crowds, not too many divers in the water, only saw 9 all up. A bit of swell on corner so went in at Carol's Plaque, water 21C. Found a tiny pipefish at 7.5 m near the orange sponges, then two USDP near SHR. A small RIF near OHR and another on Long Rock. More pipefish near SHC and also two more USDP in same overhang. On the way back another four pipefish in two spots. Some good nudibranchs, a large snapper, a large wobbegong shark and a moray eel. All the usual fish, but no PPH again. A very nice relaxing dive. Visibility fair. 

    27 December 2024 - Bare Island Isolated Reefs
    Much calmer today when we went in, but when we got out it was rough, very strong NW wind and raining! Went off W point to Not So Deep Wall, then to 15 Metre Reef and then anti-clockwise around the two reefs. Viz down here was well over 20 metres, but dark due to overcast sky. Vicki showed me a red PPH past SHC and on the way back Greg showed me another. There was one pipefish and one USDP near SHC. Also a few red-lined flabellina on 15MR. A small wobbegong seen and out on IR2 lots of yellowtail and seapike and a small school of kingfish. Lots of boulders have been moved out here, the W end of IR2 has changed dramatically. A pineapplefish here on IR2. Also on the way back, the reef near IR1 has changed a little. Back usual way. The two RIF seen yesterday had both moved a short distance. A large moray eel, octopus and sole as well as a few flathead. More USDP and pipefish before SHR. A bit dirtier as we got shallow. A great dive. Visibility very good.

    29 December 2024 - Whale Watching Platform
    Two boats, nine divers, flat seas and little wind. Blue water, at least 20 metres viz. Anchored on top of the wall. Anchor was in a hole on a wobbegong shark!. Carefully removed and put on a lip. Went N first, could not find the two blue devilfish from last Sunday but later found the larger one. The second group saw both. A large cuttlefish in the main cave, lots of nudibranchs. Went a fair way and then came back a bit deeper past the sinkholes on the reef. Saw the divers from our other boat here and then S to their anchor. Back to our anchor, that's when I found the blue devil, in a different spot to last week. Another wobbegong on the wall. Went out deeper under the boat, could not see it due to lots of small jellyfish up high. Another great dive. Visibility very good. 

    31 December 2024 - Pizza Reef
    Club dive organised a few days ago, two boats and nine divers. Went early due to how many boats out Sunday but was not bad at all. Loaded at school and parked trailer in normal spots. Anchored on a rock just off S end. Went around reef, lots of new purple ascidians all over the reef. Found a donut nembrotha before the cave and then three more in front of the cave. A large school of seapike over cave and the reef to the S. Some bastard trumpeters and red morwong around too. A school of silver sweep off main reef here. Saw a large cuttlefish and a six-spined leatherjacket in a small overhang. Two more nembrothas on the flat reef at the south. Back to main reef, a blue devilfish near the gorgonias, others saw a smaller one in the gap. Could see shadow of boat from 26 metres at an angle. Excellent conditions and dive. Visibility very good.

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    Michael on 01 October 2024 00:00 · Print
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