Michael McFadyen's Scuba Diving - The Nursery
Jervis Bay has literally hundreds of dive sites. Some are deep (over 30 metres), most are over 20 metres but only a few are shallow. One of these is The Nursery. This is located on the inside of the north-western corner of Bowen Island. Travel to this corner of the island and anchor about 50 metres to the south of the point. Be aware that in big seas the waves can break off the point. If seas are too big, you may need to anchor further off the island. The depth here will be from 12 to 14 metres or so, depending on where you have anchored.
Once you have descended, swim to the east and you will strike a reef at 6 to 9 metres deep. The reef consists of small walls and isolated rocks. You can follow this wall in either direction or go up shallower. There are small cracks in the reef to explore. The reef on top is 3 to 5 metres deep.
Fishlife in this area includes yellowtail, seapike, luderick, one-spot pullers and bream. This spot has some of the most impressive fishlife I have seen anywhere. Spend a lot of time here, it is worth it.
This spot is normally only dived in rough seas as it is very protected. It is an excellent dive, worth doing even in good seas. A very good night dive as well.