This dive site is located at the northern end of Agincourt Reef. There is an entrance from the Coral Sea into the inside of the Great Barrier Reef between this reef and the reef to the north. The GPS Reading for the drop site is S16° 04' 17.1" E145° 51' 04.6" using WGS84 as datum. It is 62 kilometres from this site to Port Douglas.
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A photo at the start of the dive at Agincourt Reef | Kelly McFadyen and a large gorgonia at Agincourt Reef |
The plan was to drift out from the drop site on an outgoing tide. This means heading east. After being dropped close to the reef, you will see that you are in about 15 metres and that the wall is a bit away to the north. Here there are lots of canyons running into the reef, creating an almost "streetscape" scene. Descend to the bottom and follow one of the canyons to the north where you will find a wall that drops to 35 metres.
Turn right and follow the wall. Every now and then you will see that the wall is interrupted by another canyon. There are a few gorgonias on the wall and bottom and it is quite nice. I did not see many big fish.
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A huge gorgonia inside the cave at Agincourt Reef | Kelly McFadyen and an extremely large coral at Agincourt Reef |
After 10 minutes the reef turns a bit to the south for a very short distance and then back to the east. There are some large coral bommies in this area. Around here there is an excellent swim-through, almost an arch.
A colourful nudibranch at Agincourt Reef |
A bit further on we headed up one of the canyons. We had now been in the water about 30 minutes and were low on bottom time. The top of the reef here was over 15 metres deep so we needed to head shallower. We went up onto the top of the ridge next to the canyon and this was about 12 metres. Further south the reef was about 8 to 10 metres.
In this area there was a huge amount of soft corals, as well as some hard corals. This was quite an interesting location,
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