CHAIN LOCKER (Maximum depth 20m)
This is not a dive in itself, it is a few minutes of distraction on the way back to the deco stop. The Chain Locker is located right at the bow of the ship. The very small hatch is just few minutes back from the tip of the bow.
Until about 1999 you could only access the Chain Locker by entering the hatch. However, since then you can access it from Hold One as the walls between the hold and the locker have corroded enough to let divers through.
There are a number of dives that the operators take people on that end up going through the Chain Locker. One is at the end of visiting Holds One and Two and the other is The Gauntlet. This is where you start at Hold Seven and travel all the way through the ship whilst inside and exit at the hatch.
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Kelly about to exit the Chain Locker | Some of the items in the bottom level |
Either way, you normally do the dive by entering the Chain Locker from Hold One on C Deck. This brings you into the second bottom level of the locker. If you look to your right to the bottom level you will see are coils of rope, chain, hose and assorted items. These are also in the C Deck Level. Each level is connect by a hatch.
When you go up a level to B Deck, there looking right towards the bow there are five or six shovels. In the top level, A Deck, there are more things to see. There is at least one spare porthole here. From here you need to swim to the right to exit the hatch.
The Chain Locker is still very dark despite the opening up of the locker from Hold One. You can also explore from the hatch if you want.
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