DOCTOR'S OFFICE (Maximum depth 45m)
The Doctor's Office is another of the difficult dives of the Coolidge. A maximum of two divers are taken by guides to this location. You normally swim from the shore to the furtherest mooring. Once here, you descend to the rear Promenade Deck.
The Doctor's Office is located on B Deck behind the First Class Dining Room. There are a number of ways of getting there, the most popular (but not necessarily the most direct) is as follows. After swimming along the Promenade Deck towards the stern, you go over the end and drop down to where you can see the small wheeled field gun. This is near the Swimming Pool and Soda Fountain. On your left you will see a small hatch. This is the entrance to Hold Five which is a refrigerated hold. Below you there is a door way. This leads to the Tourist Smoking Room.
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The Doctor's Room - Note the telephone at far right and the sign in middle top | Kelly examines a syringe in the Doctor's Room |
After entering the hatch, you swim in a bit and turn left two decks down on B Deck. This is in the Tourist Class Lobby. You can also get here by dropping down into the Tourist Class Smoking Room which is straight adjacent to the pool (under it if the ship was upright) and then going through the Lobby. From here you head towards the bow along a passage to the Doctor's Room and Office (as it is called on the ship's plan).
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The Doctor's Room - One of the many bottles found here | Kelly comes though one of the bathrooms on B Deck |
The entrance to the Doctor's Room is up and back from you. It is a tight squeeze to fit in the doorway. Here you will see bottles of all types of medicine, a syringe, a thermometer and a number of ampoules. These contain liquid and grains. There are bottles of all sizes and colour. After a few minutes, you drop back down and head back towards the bow.
This is very similar to the way you can come back from the Engine Room. You go back via the bottom of the First Class Dining Room or along B Deck. There is a sniper rifle along here in one of the bathrooms. Back near The Lobby, you cross over this (or if low on air, exit out Euart's Door). There are lots of bathrooms along here.
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B Deck near Hold 2 | Looking out of The Lobby |
Finally, you end up back in Hold Two and can exit out the cut above and swim back at 15 to 12 metres to the deco stop.
Exit is via one of the other ways I have descibed as an entry. An excellent dive, one of the best there is on offer. However, it is only for experienced divers due to the dark and confined passageways you will encounter.
When I did this dive one time I went in via Euart's Door and the First Class Dining Room and went up a level to the Doctor's Office. This is easier.
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