This site is located on a smallish reef located between the southern end of Agincourt Reef and the northern end of St Crispins Reef. It is about 63.3 kilometres north-east of Port Douglas. The GPS Reading for this site is S16° 00' 59.9" E145° 47' 30.4" using WGS84 as datum. Please read the GPS page from the left menu if you are not familiar with datums. It is inside the entrance created by the gap between the two reefs.
The actual dive site may just be called Phils and is located on the northern side of a reef about 400 metres by 200 metres.
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A gorgonia on a bommie at Phils | A flat worm on the reef at Phils |
The mooring is located on the main reef and is at about 5 metres. Once you descend, drop down to the sand, do not go down the mooring. There is no need to go deeper than about 25 metres on this dive as there appears to be nothing but sand past this.
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A giant moray eel on one of the bommies | This very colourful nudibranch is Notodoris minor |
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Another nudibranch at Phils | A variation of Notodoris minor |
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A starfish seen on the sand at Phils | One of many Clarks anemonefish (clownfish) at Phils |
This is not a bad site. The visibility was about 25 metres and the water temperature about 26° in October.
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