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    Tina Watson Death - Gabe's Ex Girlfriends

    I have added this page solely to provide balance to some of the very strong comments made by certain persons as to the character of Gabe, in particular, how Tina's family and friends said that Gabe treated Tina. These people have said that what I have written is not relevant, but it is, as the whole reason this turned from being considered an accident to a murder investigation was because Tina's family do not appear to have ever liked Gabe and they decided to embark on a witch hunt to get Gabe convicted over Tina's death.

    Gabe had at least four girlfriends before Tina.

    Girlfriend 1 was Melissa Jones. They dated when Gabe was in high school. She appears to have been invited to Gabe and Tina's wedding. Therefore, appears she was still on good terms with Gabe.

    Girlfriend 2 was Christin Wilcox and was also when Gabe was in high school. Christin went to the same church as Gabe. Gabe and Farah (4th girlfriend) went to Christin's wedding sometime between 1999 and 2001. She married a bloke called Greg Davis and then lived in Helena. Gabe was still in email contact with her in 2003. She and her husband appear to have been invited to Gabe and Tina's wedding. Again, you are hardly likely to invite someone to your wedding if they were a terrible person and you would not expect to be invited to their wedding as well.

    Susan Kelley appears to have been the person Gabe was going with before he decided to take up diving. It was said that he started diving because of the breakup of this relationship. It seems that Susan was still on good terms with Gabe as she emailed him in June 2003 asking what he was up to. They corresponded a bit about Tina, the house they were buying and the fact they were getting married. Once again, you would hardly contact someone who was nasty to you.

    Farah Vines was probably the last girlfriend before Tina. It seems that she was the only one who was interviewed by police in relation to the investigation into Tina's death. The others may have been, but there is no record of this as far as I can see. She was interviewed by Det Sgt Brad Flynn from the Helena Police Department on 23 February 2005.

    Farah Vines went to Hoover High School like Gabe did. She graduated in 1995. She said she never spoke to Gabe when at school as it was such a large school. She met Gabe in 1999 at The Music Hall. She is not sure if it was then or another time, but she gave him her phone number. She thinks that their first time out, not really a date, was to go bowling together with some friends. They then started going out about a month or two later, probably in the Summer of 1999. They dated full time "sort of serious" for a year and then dated for another year but not as serious.

    She said they had no disagreements over the two years and "pretty much got along". She said he did not take charge of things and never made her feel like he wanted to be the one making decisions, apart from wanting her to stop smoking. He was never physical or violent towards her nor did he have any "deviant habits".

    She stated that Gabe never tried to talk her into partaking in any activity that she was not interested in. She said that she had at one time thought about learning to scuba dive, but decided not to. She said that she does not even think that Gabe had asked her to learn.

    Farah stated that Gabe never got upset about her not devoting enough time to her, in fact, it was the other way around. She said that he had never got upset with her being on the phone and not able to speak to him.

    She was asked about Gabe's other hobbies. She said he played basketball in a church competition and he liked to go fishing. Flynn asked her if he like to watch TV shows like court based shows (presumably he meant CSI, Law and Order etc with the implication that he may have seen something there to give him an idea to kill Tina). She said he like to watch comedies, reality TV and underwater documentaries.

    Farah said she had met Gabe's parents, his two brothers and his grandmother. She said they were all nice. She also said that her parents liked Gabe. They sensed that as Gabe was still in school (university) that perhaps he did not have enough time to devote to her.

    Gabe was someone who she never saw cry, he never was very talkative about the relationship. Six months into the relationship they both said they loved each other, but both felt a bit weird saying it. They were more friends than anything.

    She was in New York visiting her sister when a mutual friend, Kelly Bell, rang her with the news. Kelly worked at Parisians with Tina. She was in shock. She heard that Tina drowned and then heard that she had the bends. She said she did not really know what happened. She only heard that there was an investigation into Tina's death on the Saturday before she was interviewed by Flynn.

    In January 2004 she went to lunch with Gabe. She had emailed him after learning what had happened. She said that Gabe seemed the same, but he was not one to express his feelings. She did not ask him about Tina or what had happened and he never said anything about her. He was still wearing his wedding ring. They talked about friends. She said she did not want to raise Tina's name. They also talked about Gabe's brother living with him and his dog.

    Farah said she talked about her boyfriend. He was not overly talkative. They had lunch two more times, the last one was about April or May 2005. She said that she thought Gabe wanted to get back to seeing some people he was comfortable with, that is why he met with her.

    She was asked if there was anything else at all that she wanted to say, but there was nothing.

    As you can see from the above, Farah Vines certainly had nothing adverse at all to say about Gabe and how he treated her. In addition, the other three girlfriends all appear to have good relationships with Gabe well after they stopped being boyfriend/girlfriend. Again, this does not seem to indicate any sign of Gabe being the nasty, control freak that he has been made out to be.

    Click here to return to the main Tina Watson death page.

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