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Rarer Sydney Marine Life
Bare Island Pygmy Pipe Horses
Bare Island Sea Horses
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Bare Island Marine Life
Encounter with Southern Right Whale and Calf

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Noel Hitchins 1951-2005
Lloyd Bridges - Mike Nelson in Sea Hunt
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    Sydney Dive Site Hints
    "The MV Malabar is a reminder of an historic Sydney event"
    The Gutter
    Michael McFadyen's Scuba Diving - The Gutter The Bass Point Reserve is one of a number of dive sites in the Shellharbour area which are regularly dived by Sydney divers. Located only 105 kilometres south of the centre of Sydney (no more than one and a half hours drive from most spots) on the southern edge of Wollongong, Shellharbour is very popular with divers, especially those from the southern and western suburbs of Sydney.

    The most popular dive sites are found in or off this reserve which is just to the south of Shellharbour township. The dive sites include Bushrangers Bay, The Gutter, The Arch, The Holes, The Gravel Loader and Beaky Bay as well as the remains of the ships SS Cities Service Boston, Alexander Berry and Our Own.

    The GutterThe Gutter
    The Gutter from my drone - it is very obviousThe Gutter The entry and exit
    points as mentioned by me are middle left

    One of the great things about diving at Bass Point is the fact that the reserve is an excellent place to stay for a whole day, doing two or even three dives with a barbecue or picnic lunch on the grassy lawns. Note that there are no barbecues here so you will need to bring your own. There are picnic tables. Note that since December 2001 the council has been closing the whole Bass Point reserve (as well as some parts outside) during periods of Total Fire Ban. Ridiculous!!! (Note that I was a professional bush fire fighter for 37 years so I think I can comment on this decision).

    From Sydney, you travel to Shellharbour by following the southern tollway south from Waterfall, past the Wollongong exit and through Albion Park. Take the Shellharbour exit and follow Shellharbour Road till you approach the huge Shellharbour Workers Club (now called Shellharbour Club). Here you will see a sign pointing to Shellharbour at the intersection. Turn hard right and follow the road to Bass Point Reserve.

    You will see the gravel loader as you approach the reserve. Right at the loader is the entrance to the reserve. Follow the dirt road for almost two kilometres until you see a parking area on your left. Try to park as close as you can to the north-western corner of the car park as this will give you the shortest walk to the start of the dive.

    The Gutter gets its name from quite a large incision into the rock platform and grassed area. If you have a copy of Tom Byron's Southern NSW book do not be fooled by the diagram of the site as it gives a false impression of the dive site. In reality, The Gutter itself is quite small and is not a dive site except as far as being an entry and exit section to a larger dive site. Really you only spend a minute or so in it while entering and exiting the water. After walking across the grassed area you cross the rock platform and, depending on the tide, enter the water at the most suitable location.

    Once you are in the water, descend to the bottom where it is about three or four metres. Start swimming to the north along the bottom of the prominent gutter. As you go the width of The Gutter increases and eventually you will lose sight of one side or the other. I suggest following the western side (that is, keeping the wall on your left). The bottom is composed of small rocks and they are covered by kelp. In fact, the kelp has increased dramatically over the years since I first dived here, probably because divers have been (and still are) killing sea urchins to feed the fish. The urchins feed on kelp and used to keep them under control. DO NOT KILL SEA URCHINS!!!

    As you go the wall on the left becomes a more gentle slope and it is a bit barer. It has some sponges and sea squirts on it and generally there are many bulleyes and ladder-finned pomfrets. After a 100 metres or so there is a small canyon on your left. The depth here is about 18 metres. Follow the canyon and the kelp disappears. At the end turn right and go up and over the small ridge. There are some nice sponges as you go and normally many leatherjackets, seapike and some cuttlefish in this area.

    The Gutter
    A panoramic photo of the canyon that runs up west from the The Gutter

    The natural way to go is pretty clear and you follow the small wall on your right till you come to another ridge (you are heading north-east or so). Just over this there is another gutter which has some excellent gorgonias, sea dragons, sea squirts and sponges. This is the most colourful section of the dive and the depth is almost 20 metres. Keep going along the gutter and after 30 metres you will meet the main gutter. Turn right and swim up the middle over the rocky bottom (interspersed in spots by sand). Make sure that you do not re-enter the gutter you followed off the main gutter. There are sea dragons in this area.

    Gradually the depth comes up from 18 metres to 14 then 8 before you enter The Gutter where it is five metres. When you are in three metres, surface and find a good exit spot (in low tides, on the point, high tide further up the gutter). It is a fairly easy exit.

    On this dive you will not usually see big fish, although the usual red morwongs, striped seapike, various leatherjackets and bream are often seen. The big attraction of this dive is the smaller fishlife and macro-life, including nudibranches. Cuttlefish, squid, moray eel, eastern hulafish, pygmy leatherjacket, old wife are commonly sighted. There is nearly always a large ray at the mouth of The Gutter.

    This dive site is protected from southerly winds and even in gale force southerlies, you can dive here in comfort. Note that there is alternative dive here called The Gutter Sponge Gardens.

    If you are going to dive Bass Point, I suggest taking a picnic or BBQ lunch and resting after your first dive on the grassy area. There are toilets but no water so bring all you need. A great spot for a relaxed, family double dive.

    Copyright © Michael McFadyen 1990 to 2025
    Non-commercial use of an article or photograph is permitted with appropriate URL reference to this site.
    Dive shops, dive operators, publications and government departments cannot use anything without first seeking and receiving approval from Michael McFadyen.
    This web site has been wholly thought up, designed, constructed and funded for almost 30 years by Michael McFadyen without any help from the Australian Dive Industry.
    Website created 1996!