For the previous part of this trip, click here.
The track of the trip as recorded by the GPS This section starts from below the thin track that runs north/south all the way back to Sydney, bottom right, via the lower thin track |
DAY 26 - 6 August 2003 - Merti Merti to Tibooburra
Departure time: 9 am Temperature 9C
Wildflowers in Strut National Park |
We leave earlier than planned as we are all up and ready before we expected wee would be. We drive south and then east to Cameron Corner where we have morning tea.
From here we go to Fort Grey Lake for a look at the camping area. This area has had a little rain since we were here three weeks ago and the wildflowers have come out into bloom. The whole area of this section of the national park looks great.
We have decided to take an alternative route to Milparinka and Tibooburra. This involves going to Waka and then the back way to Milparinka via the Hawker Gate Road. This is fairly slow and we had lunch just past Hewart Downs Homestead.
We then go to Depot Glen and Pooles Grave as the others have not been there. From here we go to Milparinka and a look at the Court House. We do not pass a single vehicle once we leave Fort Grey, a distance of 170 kilometres and a time of four hours.
From Milparinka we drive the 42 kilometres to Tibooburra. We refuel and two beers at the Family Hotel. Then to Dead Horse Gully Camping Area.
Our dinner is steak, sausages and pasta.
Temperature 18C.
Arrived: Tibooburra Time: 5:20 pm Speedo: 73059 Distance:
Fuel -Litres: 95.1 (775 km at 12.3 l/100 km) Cost: $106
DAY 27 - 7 August 2003 - Tibooburra to White Cliffs
Departure time: 8:15 am Temperature: 11C
White Cliffs Solar Power Station |
There was some rain about 4:30 am but only a few drops. We depart Dead Horse Gully and go to Mount Wood so that the others can look at the museum. We then drive to the Wanaaring Road and head east. We stop along the road for morning tea.
About 102 kilometres along the Wanaaring Road we arrive at one of the roads that leads to White Cliffs. This is near a property called Yamba. We head south. It is 141 kilometres to White Cliffs and we arrive there at 1:25 pm. We have lunch at the cafe, pie and chips.
We go for a look around town. It is a pretty boring place, with little to see. We visit the White Cliffs Solar Power Station (closed in 2006 I think) but you cannot see much through the fence. Really, there is not much worth seeing in this place. We go to Outback Surprise to look at Opals (not that I was buying any) and to a photographers gallery (nice but too expensive). We also look at the underground motel from the outside.
We book into the caravan park which is right in the town's centre. It is $4 a person, but we are confused us as it appears to be $12 for a site. We are not complaining.
Frank and I go to the pub for a beer and then we cook dinner, steak, sausages and bacon and veggies back at the caravan park. After everyone has gone to bed (too early), I go for a walk and then to the pub for three beers.
Arrived: White Cliffs Time: Speedo: Distance:
Fuel -Litres: Cost:
DAY 28 - 8 August 2003 - White Cliffs to Wellington
Departure time: 8:20 am Temperature: 9C
We drive to Wilcannia and then along the Barrier Highway to Cobar. The section to Wilcannia is in the process of being upgraded and tarred. The remaining roads are tar all the way to Sydney. We have morning tea at Emmdale and refuel at Cobar.
We stop at Nyngan for lunch. Frank and I together with Les and Elly go to Wellington where we camp by the river in caravan park. It is $14 a site. The others continue on with the aim of getting closer to home.
Dinner pasta. Temperature 17C.
Arrived: Wellington Time: 4:50 pm Speedo: 74097 Distance:
Fuel -Litres: 92.8 Cost: $89
DAY 29 - 9 August 2003 - Wellington to Tempe
Departure time: 8:30 am Temperature: -1.5ÂșC
White Wellington |
We awake to find that everything is white. There is a very heavy frost and the tent, ground and car are all covered in ice. It takes some time to chip the ice off the tent before we can pack it away.
We continue towards Sydney and have morning tea at a roadside rest area. It is freezing cold, about 7ÂșC with a strong wind.
We have lunch beside the Eastern Creek service centre back in Sydney. We arrive at Frank's place at Bondi Junction about 2 pm and I get home about 2:30 pm.
Arrived: Time: Speedo: Distance:
Fuel -Litres: Cost:
What a great holiday!
The cost of the trip was relatively low. As far as I can recall, the costs on the trip were as below. This does not include camping fees (not that much) and food puchased before we left home as well as personal things like grog and incidentals:
Total kilometres: 8835
Litres of fuel: 1193.7
Litres/100 km: 13.5
MPG: 17.9
| Cost |
Fuel | $1,271.12 |
Food | $247.88 |
Total | $1519.00 |